Bonus Points

Part of the amount paid for transportation will be returned to you as bonus points. You can spend the accumulated points by paying the following transportation fee.

Bonus points accumulation

Bonus points are accrued to all registered customers who will pay the cost of the parcel's transportation by any means. Up to 5% of paid amount will be returned as bonus points. 

Points are also played periodically on our Facebook page.

Bonus points spending

Bonus points can be used to pay for the transportation of any parcel - 1 bonus point is equal to 1 GEL.

To pay the transportation fee, it is necessary to fully cover the accumulated bonus points for the amount needed to transport the parcel.

How should you pay with bonus points?

To pay with bonus points, select the desired parcel (or parcels) and click the "Pay Selected" button.

Select "Pay with Bonuses" from the payment methods displayed on the screen.

New! Online parcels from Spain!

Now, with Inex Group, you can order online parcels from Spain as well!

Purchase your desired items from well-known brand websites or other online stores.

Packages are shipped by real weight, via ground transportation, every Tuesday.

⚫ Rates:

Standard: €6 per kg

Student: €5.5 per kg

⚫ Popular websites:

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