Service Terms and Conditions


Contractor : "Inex Group" Ltd 

 Address: Tbilisi, N 45 Atskuri st.; 

Phone: (032) 2 49 26 26

User: A person or legal entity  using the services of ”Inex Group" Ltd.




  1. Sign up
    1. When registering on, the user is required to read and agree the terms and conditions of the company. The user confirms full familiarity with both, the terms and conditions and the privacy policy by checking the "I’ve read and agree" button. The terms and conditions of service and the privacy policy published on the website of "Inex Group" Ltd ( are public.
    2. When a user registers on the "Inex Group" website, they are assigned a unique code, "room number". 
    3. When registering on the "Inex Group" webpage, the user is required to provide accurate information. Registration may be canceled if incorrect or other person's identifiable information   is provided. 
    4. User's name and surname cannot be changed after registering.  In  case of the aforementioned is required, the user should contact the company.
    5. Information provided by the user during registration is confidential, unless the law requires such information to be made public or transmitted in another form.
    6. After registration, the user is obliged to protect the confidentiality of the registration data, not to disclose it, not to transfer it to third parties, and to control the possibility of using the data. 
    7. The existing terms of service come into force from the delivery to "Inex Group" Ltd of the parcel intended for transportation to Georgia or the parcel to be sent from Georgia and cease to operate when the item is delivered to the addressee. The contractor provides the transportation of the user's cargo from and to various countries around the world. The addresses/locations of the provision of services specified in this clause are listed on the "Inex Group" Ltd. website.

2. The subject of the contract
2.1.  "Inex Group" Ltd carries out the actions related to the transportation of parcels on its own behalf and at customer’s expense, in exchange for this, the customer, before receiving the parcel, is obliged to pay for the transportation at the appropriate price. The service includes the transportation of the item belonging to the user delivered to the address of any country on the website of "Inex Group" Ltd or the item sent from Georgia to the address of any country to the destination (to the address specified by the user) and delivery to the addressee. (Addresses and cost of transportation according to countries, see on the website:

3. conditions of "Inex Group" Ltd when transporting an item.
3.1. A parcel delivered to the address of any country specified on the website of "Inex Group" Ltd, with the user's name, surname, and room number on it, is considered the property of that person and is sent to Georgia. 
3.2. Packages are not delayed or left in any country's warehouse based on the instructions of the user. 
3.3. The company does not check the condition of the insides of the cargo delivered to the warehouse.
3.4. Declaring the parcel is mandatory. Declaring refers to the user's obligation to indicate the name of the sender of the products, the description of the package and the price when displaying the parcel on the user's personal account - "room" or during the preliminary declaration. Also, if necessary, present a document confirming the purchase of the item - an invoice.
3.5. Regardless of whether the shipment was sent in error by the seller or shipper or whether the recipient no longer wants to receive the item, the user is still responsible for paying the shipping costs.
3.5.1. In the event of a customer's transport debt to the company, the company reserves the right not to issue newly arriving parcels until the old debt is settled. 
3.6. On the website, the user indicates the desired branch address. This can be changed before the item is shipped. Change of address and forwarding to the office by phone call or oral agreement is limited.
3.7. "Inex Group" Ltd offers its users a courier service. The user can demand this from the personal account (for online parcels), through the call center, or by referring to the sender (for personal parcels).
3.8. If the cargo requires special conditions during transportation, or if there is a high risk of damage to the item during transportation, or if it contains dangerous cargo, the customer is obliged to agree the conditions with the carrier. 
3.9. It is not permitted to transport items that are prohibited by the airline or transport company. Inex Group Ltd is not liable for the consequences of transporting such products. (See list of prohibited items. : )
3.10. Parcels from the company's foreign addresses are delivered in accordance with the schedule specified on the website. The user will be notified of the schedule change via the website. 
3.11. The parcel denoted for transportation must be properly packed (when packing the parcel, possible external impact factors must be taken into account-weight, humidity, etc.; also, if necessary, the item must be provided with additional packaging; the box must be sealed with adhesive tape or rope, etc.).
3.12. When receiving the package at the branch or by courier service, the user is obliged to check the package in the presence of the company representative. Claims will no longer be accepted for parcels already taken out of the branch or received by courier service, the opening of which was not attended by an employee of the company.

4. The responsibility of the parties
4.1. The scope of responsibility of "Inex Group" Ltd:
4.1.1. The company is not responsible for any damage to the item caused by improper packaging. The company is not responsible for the insides, except when repackaging is done by the contractor. In the event of damage to the parcel packed by the company, the issue of compensation for damage is handled individually. 
4.1.2. Inex Group ltd is not responsible for damaged items if the product is purchased from a private person, eBay, or other type of auction, as well as repaired or second-hand items.
4.1.3. The possibility of transporting an item that requires special conditions for transportation must be agreed upon with the contractor. In the absence of an agreement, the company will not be held responsible for any damage caused by violation of the terms of storage or transportation of the item. 
4.1.4.  "Inex Group" Ltd is responsible for material damage caused by an intentional or negligent act (in the presence of relevant evidence), resulting from the loss, total or partial damage of the item. Refunds will not be issued if the cargo arrives damaged at the warehouse, the user reports the damage after leaving the company's branch/ did not check in the presence of the courier, or if the package does not visually show any external damage. After the review, the company makes a decision to refund or refuse compensation and notifies the decision to the recipient . Refunds are issued within 30 days of the cargo's arrival.
4.1.5. The responsibility of "Inex Group" Ltd for personal parcels is excluded if the insides of the parcel, denoted for sending to or from Georgia, are not described in the presence of the company representative. 
4.1.6. In the event of a finding of fault with "Inex Group" Ltd., in case of cargo loss and/or damage, the contractor will compensate the customer for the damage. The amount to be refunded is determined by the value of the products, which is stated in the document confirming the purchase of the products and does not exceed the amount specified by the user when declaring, and the user is required to pay the cost of transporting the parcel in the absence of the contractor's fault. 
4.1.7. Items that are prohibited for transportation by an airline or transport company, or are dangerous and "Inex Group” Ltd is not informed, may be unloaded and/or destroyed without liability of refund to the company, and the user is responsible for any damage caused during the transportation of such items. 
4.1.8. If the user sends products that are prohibited by the airline or transport company, the company is not responsible for returning the cargo to the sender-store or private person, or for the products being confiscated by customs of a foreign country.
4.1.9. If the user still sends prohibited or dangerous products by the airline or transport company, and causes Inex Group Ltd. a material loss, the company reserves the right to impose a fine on the customer independently of compensation.
4.1.10. The company is not responsible for any loss or damage that occurs during the transportation of a product that is prohibited by the airline or transport company or is subject to prior agreement. 
4.1.11. If the parcel contains inaccurate or incomplete data, "Inex Group" disclaims all responsibilities. The user is not permitted to change the address; it must be entered exactly as it appears on the website of "Inex Group" Ltd.
4.1.12. If the user/store does not attach the correct parameters to the parcel, such as the room number, name, and surname, the tracking is provided by mistake; the contractor is not responsible for the timely delivery and transfer of such a parcel to the user. The procedure will be continued indefinitely until the products are fully identified based on the invoice and package composition.
4.1.13. "Inex Group" Ltd does not take responsibility for the parcels that are delivered to the foreign office by a company that does not have a mandatory signature confirmation service for the delivery of the parcel, and therefore, in case of a dispute, such companies cannot confirm the delivery of the cargo to the "Inex Group" warehouse. Inex Group disclaims responsibility for parcels delivered to an unidentified or unspecified address as well as for parcels whose delivery is signed by a unknown person. The company accepts no responsibility for parcels left at an unknown address, in a mailbox, or at any other location, or for parcels left on the street.
4.1.14. "Inex Group" Ltd is not liable for any decisions made by customs authorities regarding the shipments subject to customs control. 
4.1.15. "Inex Group" Ltd is not responsible if the cargo is detained, or confiscated by customs services and/or any state services due to the content of the cargo and/or incorrectly declared cargo and/or as a result of non-payment of customs clearance fees. The contractor is not liable for any damage caused to the user as a result of the user's providing incorrect, incomplete, or otherwise untrustworthy information.
4.1.16. If the customs service or the Ministry of Finance imposes a fine sanction on the company due to the user's complete or partial non-compliance with the terms of service (e.g., incomplete or inaccurate product declaration), the company reserves the right to charge the user for the payment of the said fine.
4.1.17. If the „Inex Group” Ltd is fined and/or suffers other types of damage as a result of the user's complete or partial non-compliance with the terms of service and/or other terms of the contract (for example, incomplete or inaccurate product declaration, etc.), the contractor has the right to charge the user for damages.
4.1.18. The „Inex Group” Ltd is not responsible for damage caused by force majeure;
4.1.19. The company "Inex Group" Ltd does not take responsibility for products sent by mistake (color/size/quantity/volume/type and others);
4.1.20. The company is not responsible for flight delays that may be caused by the fault of the airline or transport company or due to bad weather, technical faults (aircraft malfunction), natural events or congestion related to holidays. 

4.2. The scope of user responsibility:
4.2.1. The user is required to promptly provide the company with relevant cargo information on time, as well as information required to sign shipping documents, submit necessary documents and information to perform customs and other actions.
4.2.2. The user is responsible for not spreading false or harmful information. In such cases, the company takes legal action.
4.2.3. The user is obliged to agree and clarify all details about the package and insides, as well as packaging and weight, with the seller before purchasing the item.
4.2.4. Upon receiving the parcel, the user is obliged to check the package in the presence of the courier/service operator and immediately notify the responsible person of any external damage. The information will be reviewed by the relevant service, and the user will receive a response within a reasonable time. The company is not responsible for the package once it leaves the office. 
4.2.5. If during the inspection of the item in the presence of the service operator/courier, the fact of damage to the item is detected and no damage is found during the transportation of the item, the user confirms with a statement that has no claim against the company and the item is issued. In the event of disagreement, the company reserves the right to store the item in its warehouse until the dispute is resolved.
4.2.6. The user is responsible for provision of the personal, contact, and cargo information. The contractor is not responsible for damages caused by inaccurate information provided by the user.
4.2.7. The user has the right to pre-declare the item after assigning the tracking code by the sender, so that the information about the entry of the parcel into the warehouse can be displayed in the personal room in advance, which will help to identify the parcel upon entering the warehouse. 
4.2.8. The user must pay for shipping and receive the parcel within 30 days. After the expiration of the mentioned period, the company reserves the right to transfer the non-taxable parcels to a paid warehouse, the cost of which will be charged to the customer. If the user does not receive the package within 30 days of placing it in the paid warehouse, the company will dispose of it at its discretion, though this does not exempt the customer from paying the transportation and warehouse service fees. 
4.2.9. The user's refusal to accept the parcel, due to certain circumstances (for reasons independent of from the company), or the user's desire to hand over the item to the state, does not relieve the customer from paying the cost of transportation.  


5. The transportation and storage period of the parcel 
5.1. The shipping cost is determined by the package(s)'s actual or volumetric weight.
5.2. Shipping costs from the USA, the UK, Germany, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, and the Republic of Turkey are calculated by actual weight. Parcels from China are shipped by volumetric or actual weight. If the actual weight is greater than the volumetric weight, the shipping fee is calculated based on the actual weight, and if the volumetric weight of the package is greater than the actual weight, the carrier's fee is calculated based on the volumetric weight. Depending on the insides and packaging of the parcel, if repackaging is possible, "Inex Group" Ltd will repack or consolidate the cargo to reduce the volumetric weight.
5.3. The minimum weight by country is determined as follows: America, China, and Turkey-100 g, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Cyprus, and Greece-200 g. Transportation costs by countries see:  
5.4. Upon receipt of the package in the service center of the company on the territory of Georgia, the company keeps it for no more than 60 days (non-taxable parcels can be transferred to a paid warehouse after 30 days). If the user does not receive the package within 60 days of its arrival in Georgia, the company reserves the right to dispose of the package at its discretion. 
5.5. The parcel will be handed over to the state without the 30-day storage period if the address and/or recipient cannot be found. 
5.6. The average transportation time is 5 to 10 days after the item is delivered to the address. The flight schedule and terms are available on the website of "Inex Group" Ltd. The terms are indicative and may be variable.

6. Parcel repacking service to reduce volume.
6.1. In order to reduce the volume, „Inex Group “Ltd repacks parcels for free. The repacking is done automatically, and the company does not need a special reference   or user's permission. 
6.2. For parcel safety reasons, electrical appliances and breakable items are not repacked. Packages sent from Germany, Greece, Italy, the Republic of Turkey, and Cyprus are also not being repacked.

7. Parcel declaration
7.1. Before the parcel arrives in Georgia, it must be declared (indicating the website, name, and price (value) of the purchased item) on the "Inex Group" website.  
7.2. Along with the declaration, it is recommended that the user uploads the invoices of the purchased items in order to simplify and speed up the customs procedures on the parcels. 
7.3. The declared amount must match the actual value of the purchased item. The responsibility for the authenticity of the information bears entirely with the user. Once completed, it is impossible to make changes to the declaration.
7.4. If the item is subject to customs clearance, the invoice must be uploaded at the time of declaration. 
7.5. If the user does not complete the package declaration (a declaration of the value of the postal shipment), the package will be stopped at customs. The user has eight days to declare the shipment (present an invoice or conduct a customs examination). In case of non- taxable, the item will be disposed of according to established customs procedures. 

8. Customs clearance
8.1. The user is responsible for customs duty.
8.2. A ready customs declaration is delivered to the customer together with the parcel. Duty payments are made in any bank within 30 (thirty) calendar days of printing the declaration. The aforementioned rule does not apply in exceptional cases, as provided by Georgian law.
8.3. Parcels with a total value of more than 300 GEL, weighing more than 30 kilograms, or intended for commercial purposes are subject to customs clearance under Georgian law (for more information on customs issues, see:
8.4. Parcels for customs clearance are only issued in offices along with a special document (Form 4), which "Inex Group" Ltd will prepare and hand over to you together with the parcel. The declaration service is 5 GEL for online parcels and 15 GEL for personal parcels.
8.5. Customs clearance of the parcel and other customs procedures are regulated in accordance with Georgian legislation. If the parcel is stopped by customs services and/or the user fails to provide information or fulfill other obligations, the parcel is transferred to state property, sanctions are imposed on the user, and they cannot submit a claim to the contractor that they did not have the relevant information about the regulations established by the contractor. The user is required to follow the regulations established by Georgian law. Although the contractor has the right to provide appropriate information about customs procedures to the user, this does not constitute the contractor's obligation.

9. Parcel delivery
9.1. The package can be picked up at the "Inex Group" branch specified by the user or by a courier. The parcel is handed over by the user by presenting an identity card, passport, driver's license or a duly certified power of attorney and the authorized person's identity card, passport, driver's license and signing the act of receipt or a special electronic device for signing. The parcel is not issued on the basis of a copy of the document. 
9.2. The customer can receive a non-taxable parcel from the age of 14, based on the documents specified in this article.
9.3. In the case of a taxable (customs)parcel, the recipient of the parcel must present the original of his/her identity card or passport. A notarially certified power of attorney and a copy of the authorized person's identity card or passport must be presented if the recipient is a third party. If the recipient of the customs-cleared parcel is a minor (a person under 18), the parcel will be issued based on the application of the authorized representative and additional documents confirming the authority presented by him.
9.4. non- taxable Parcels can be received by a third party if the user names a trusted person in the program and provides a copy of their ID card, driver's license, or passport to the recipient. Also, if the recipient of the parcel represents his/her own and the parcel owner's original identity card, driver's license, or passport valid document, and/or duly certified power of attorney
9.5. The documents submitted to receive the parcel must be valid and valid original documents or duly certified copies. The user is responsible for the authenticity of the document.


10. Term and method of payment of service fee 
10.1. The customer must pay the transportation costs in accordance with the invoice issued by the contractor or the amount specified in the user's personal room no later than 30 calendar days after the parcel arrives. The customer will be unable to pick up a package if the package transportation fee has not been paid. 
10.2.  The cost of transportation is determined by the Commercial Bank of Georgia's exchange rate of foreign currency in GEL on the day the package is delivered to the user's private room.
10.3. It is mandatory to pay the cost of transportation only by the payment methods indicated on
10.4. Payment of the cost of transportation is made by the following methods: 
- Through "Inex Group" Ltd website-commission 0%
- When picking up the parcel, cash-commission is 0%.
- By filling in the balance on the website of Inex Group Ltd
- With bonus points—1 bonus point = 1 GEL. 
- Terabank: GE92KS0000000360205169 (Inex Group Ltd.; a receipt from the bank and an ID card or passport are required to withdraw the parcel)
-In the branch, through the POS terminal.

10.5. The cost of transportation with bonus points and the amount on the balance can be paid only if the amount on the balance or bonus is not less than the amount payable. A bonus and a balance cannot be combined. Also, it is impossible to partially pay or withdraw the value from the balance or bonus.
10.6. The amount incorrectly credited to the balance can be refunded with a personal statement.



11. A courier service.
11.1. Online parcel: In order for the courier to deliver the online parcel to the user, the user must pay the courier service fee from the personal office. (For detailed information about courier service, please check the link: 
11.2. Personal parcels: courier service is arranged through the call center or by indicating the sender.
11.3. "Inex Group" Ltd. offers customers additional services in the defined cities, such as courier service. See the rates of the mentioned services: : 
11.4. If the user expresses a desire to deliver the parcel to the address, "Inex Group" Ltd. will distribute the parcels to the locations where the company's courier service operates. 
11.5. In case of oversized parcels, the cost of the courier service is determined by agreement with the user. 
11.6. During the courier service, the address must be entered into the program in the following order: city, district, street, and number. (E.g., Vake, chavchavadze N 5.)
11.7. For all those parcels, the cost of transportation for which will be paid before the day of the parcel's arrival and the user will have specified "Courier Service," the courier will distribute such parcels on the next day of the parcel's arrival. 
11.8. The parcel will be delivered to your specified address. A change of address is possible only before the parcel arrives.
11.9. If the courier is unable to contact the mobile phone number you provided in advance, the package will be returned to the office and the user will be able to take it out of the office.
11.10. The courier is not obliged to carry the parcel to the floors. 
11.11. When receiving the parcel, the customer is obliged to submit the document specified in Article 9.
11.12. If the courier service is requested for the already arrived parcel, the delivery will be carried out on the next day after payment of the service fee. 
11.13. Customs-cleared parcels are couriered after customs procedures are completed. 

12. Wolt Courier Service Terms.

12.1. Customers of "Inex Group" LTD can use only online parcel delivery service via Wolt.
12.2. The responsibility of "Inex Group" LTD to the customer within the scope of the legislation and/or the agreement with the customer applies to Wolt before the parcel is handed over.
12.3. "Inex Group" LTD will not be held responsible for the contents of the package, if the package does not have external damage. In addition, after handing over the parcel to the wolt, "Inex Group" LTD is free from any responsibility. 
12.4. "Inex Group" LTD is obliged to inspect the package in the space equipped with cameras before issuing it and hand over only such parcels that do not show any physical damage.
12.5. The parties agree that the customer has no right to place an order in the following cases:
a) the cost of transportation has not been paid by the user;
b) The parcel is subject to customs clearance and requires a customs declaration.
c) The item belongs to the breakable category.
d) The weight of the parcel (total weight of the parcels) exceeds 10 kilograms.

12.6. The user is obliged to specify the following data when placing the order: room number: IG, and the tracking code of each parcel.
12.7. If, despite the exceptions provided in Article 12.4, the customer still places an order, "Inex Group" LTD has the right not to hand over the parcel to Wolt, and if, despite the restrictions, the customer still places an order for the delivery of a fragile item to Wolt, on the basis of which Wolt will use the delivery service, in case of damage or destruction of the item, "Inex Group" LTD is not responsible for the resulting damage, and the user loses the right to file a claim with "Inex Group" LTD.


13. Insurance
13.1. In order for the client to insure the parcel, it is necessary to declare it and enable the parcel insurance function before sending the parcel to Georgia after it has been delivered to our office abroad. The function is activated by ticking the insurance indicator for each parcel separately.
13.2. You can insure a parcel purchased online after receiving it at a foreign warehouse before sending the parcel to Georgia.
13.3. The cost of insurance is 10% of the cost of the parcel and this amount is calculated and paid together with the cost of transportation. If you have already paid shipping costs, then insurance cannot be included.
13.4. Damage will be reimbursed if the package is lost or its contents are damaged. Inex Group does not compensate for damage caused by damage to the contents of the parcel, except in cases where external damage to the parcel is found. Damage is reimbursed only if the package is delivered to our office abroad safe and damage is discovered during delivery to Georgia.

14. Processing and protection of users' personal data
14.1. Personal information submitted or obtained by the user during registration, as well as subsequently, constitutes personal data and is protected by law. The company will not transfer any information about the user to a third party without the existence of a basis established by law.
14.2. "Inex Group" Ltd records and remembers the user's interaction with the Internet, telecommunications, and video surveillance systems, including letters sent by e-mail and text message conversations; social processing information collected through online or blog comments; in the event of a legal or other dispute with the user, to protect the rights, as well as the interests and safety of the user.
14.3. "Inex Group" Ltd reserves the right to use the client's or customer's email address and phone number to share marketing messages related to its products and/or services.
14.4. The user agrees that the provided documents to receive the package (identity, passport, bank receipt, payment confirmation document, product purchase confirmation document, and any other document related to the shipped package) are infallible and the user is fully responsible for the authenticity of these documents.
14.5. The user declares consent for "Inex Group" Ltd. to collect, process, and store the data in accordance with the agreement between them, the privacy policy, and the legislation of Georgia.


15.  Additional terms
15.1. The company reserves the right to change the terms of service delivery or to stop providing services to the user after informing the user in advance, without agreement.
15.2. Aggressive behavior towards the company or persons employed in the company, insulting expressions, dissemination of unspecified information, obtaining parcels/cargo in dishonest ways, disruption of the operation of the branch or threat of disruption, which deliberately damages the image of the company and acts against the interests of the company, can be grounds for refusing service to the user. The user will be informed about this via e-mail, and the mentioned person will no longer be able to use the status of a trusted person and will not be able to receive parcels from third parties by any possible method.
15.3. The company reserves the right to refuse service to individuals and entities representing a competing company, including their founders, directors, or other management personnel. 
15.4. The company makes a commitment to the client only to the services described in the terms of service.
15.5. In addition to the provisions defined in this document, "Inex Group" Ltd. is guided by the Constitution of Georgia, the current legislation of Georgia and international treaties when providing services to customers. 
15.6. The contractor reserves the right, at any time, at its own discretion, unilaterally, fully or partially, to change or update the terms and conditions of service or the privacy policy and to inform the user about this. 
15.7. Recognizing any article of this agreement as invalid has no effect on the legal validity of the remaining articles of the agreement.
15.8. The parties agree to resolve all disputed issues and/or objections in a mutually beneficial manner. Through Agreement and negotiation. The dispute will be referred to the Tbilisi City Court for consideration if the parties are unable to settle the issues through negotiation.


New! Online parcels from Spain!

Now, with Inex Group, you can order online parcels from Spain as well!

Purchase your desired items from well-known brand websites or other online stores.

Packages are shipped by real weight, via ground transportation, every Tuesday.

⚫ Rates:

Standard: €6 per kg

Student: €5.5 per kg

⚫ Popular websites:

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